From October 25th to 27th, Managers and Directors of Esseco Industrial gathered in Versilia for…
On 31 October, Italian leading newspaper Corriere della Sera published an article in its Finance and Business section, from which it emerges that Esseco Group has now reached the number 1 position in the special ranking of medium-sized Italian companies (i.e. with a turnover between 20 and 500 million euros) of the chemical-pharmaceutical sector.
With 22.4% growth between 2020 and 2021, Esseco Group achieved a turnover of 542 million euros, exceeding the half-billion-euro threshold, which represents the watershed between small-medium enterprises and large companies.
Roberto Vagheggi, General Manager of the Industrial Chemical Division of Esseco Group, commented as follows: “This ranking makes us extremely proud because it certifies the growth path of Esseco Group Industrial Division, whose turnover has increased from 200 million euros in 2010, up to 540 million euros in 2021. I would also like to add that we are working hard so that this growth does not stop there. As evidence of this, we can already mention that year 2022, which will indeed be remembered as a very difficult year, will also be a year full of satisfactions, with a forecasted further leap of more than 50% in our results: the year is expected to close with a turnover exceeding 800 million euros and with equally growing EBITDA. These extraordinary results do not depend on new acquisitions, which will probably carry on into 2023, but on the recognition received from the market: Esseco Group Industrial Division has been implementing a sustainable and renewable energy policy for several years, aimed at becoming independent from non-green and non-native energy supplies. We have purchased hydroelectric plants, photovoltaic parks, built hydrogen based thermal energy plants and plants that absorb CO2, which we transform into an important raw material. The European energy crisis has become an accelerator of the payback of our investments: we are aiming for total energy independence (in 2023 our in-house production of electricity will be close to 70%), from renewable and green sources. The carbon footprint of our products, if not already so, will soon be the best in the market.”