Thanks to the new high-efficiency cogenerator, electricity self-production is up 40%
A new cogeneration power plant was inaugurated in Saline di Volterra with a capacity of over 2,000 kWe: it will help cover the needs of the plant which, in the…
A new cogeneration power plant was inaugurated in Saline di Volterra with a capacity of over 2,000 kWe: it will help cover the needs of the plant which, in the…
At the beginning of November 2020, the new plant for the production of potassium hydroxide (KOH) anhydrous in flake form was inaugurated in Saline di Volterra. Thanks to a further…
While COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread globally and governments are taking increasingly strict measures to limit its impacts, Altair Chimica have adopted specific measures to protect the health of its…
Supply security for critical chemicals needed for water supply and sanitation during COVID-19-crisis Altair Chimica is an active member of INCOPA (european INorganic COagulants Producers Association) and produces inorganic coagulants…
As part of the corporate strategy, aimed at providing increasingly specialized and high quality products, during the month of November Altair Chimica obtained the authorization to produce caustic soda food…